

所属游戏: 杀戮空间
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Killing Floor Update Released

June 4, 2009, 2:22 pm - Valve - Product Update

Updates to Killing Floor have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Killing Floor

■Added settings for the Voice Message system to reduce the amount of messages played.

■Added a Friends tab to the Multiplayer menu which allows players to quickly see which servers their Steam Friends are playing on.

■Fixed a common crash involving Sprite Emitters, generally caused by using a Flame Thrower and/or multiple Grenades.

■Fixed players with Level 5 Perks not always getting their default weapon when they spawn.

■Fixed Clots not grabbing players that do not have the Commando Perk selected.

■Improved usability of filter system by moving it directly into the Internet Server Browser area.

■Fixed servers with a maximum of more than 6 players allowing Perks to progress.

■Limited the number of respawns to once per wave to stop exploiters from getting extra money and guns by suiciding.

■Fixed more exploits in KF-Manor, KF-BioticsLab, and KF-WestLondon





2009-06-17《杀戮空间(KillingFloor)》v1003升级补丁    【20MB】 简中