

所属游戏: 杀戮空间
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Killing Floor Update ReleasedMay 21, 2009, 2:29 pm - Valve - Product UpdateUpdates to Killing Floor have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:


* Fixed a number of known exploits on each map

* Fixed Listen Server Hosts not showing as playing on a server in Steam Friends

* Fixed the game prompting for a password after the password was already entered into Steam, when connecting from the Steam Server Browser

* Fixed exploit where players could shoot other players with shotguns and launch them on top of things or out windows

* Fixed exploit where players could change their Perk multiple times in order to get discounts on particular items. Players can only change their Perk once per Wave now

* Fixed shotguns making Specimens fly back excessively online

* Fixed Server Browser becoming non-responsive when connected to a server

* Fixed exploit that players could use to purchase something even when too heavy

* Fixed Listen Server Hosts' Perks getting duplicated to other players connected to their server

* Fixed purchasing of a Handcannon appearing to discount other weapons

* Fixed a collision problem with crouching that was allowing exploits


* Improved the detection of Headshots on the Specimens

* Removed the scaling of players' names over their heads, which was causing long names to be unreadable

* Changed Default Tick Rate for Internet Servers to 30 instead of 20 to improve the online experience for players

* Hitting Escape now closes the Weapon Selection widget on the HUD

* Toned down the Blur and Camera Shake when a Specimen hits you. Blur now fades out more quickly




2009-06-17《杀戮空间(KillingFloor)》v1002升级补丁    【23MB】 简中