

所属游戏: 装甲指挥官
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The v1.01 update is a major new version with over 40 fixes, ranging from two serious international region-related bugs to unit data typos and an issue that could prevent medals being awarded correctly in campaigns. New features include a Trees On/Off toggle, better path-finding and collision handling and more intelligent use of maps and platoon sizes in random battles. The showcase new unit for this release is the mighty KV-2, a formidable addition to the Soviet forces! In addition, the requirement for Internet Explorer 7 components to run the tools has been dropped. Tools like the Scenario Editor and Random Battle Generator will now work fine with Internet Explorer 6 components, which are included by default with Windows XP and later, requiring no additional installation of software

2009-09-07《装甲指挥官:哈尔科夫》V1.01升级包    【10MB】 多国