

所属游戏: 潜行者:晴空
相关操作: 收藏 下载地址 扩展


- Increased the number of items for sell for the trader at the goods market.

- Added the possibility to upgrade SVDm 2 at Freedom's mechanic. -

- Fixed game crash upon the attempt to speak with the wounded character. -。

- Fixed an error, which led to the blocking of the storyline quest completion at Yantar (the door to Sakharov's bunker couldn't be opened). -- Increased the amount of money of the bandits' trader. -

- Fixed the displacement of the military warehouses on the PDA map. -

- Added the possibility to load the last saved game by pressing space bar after the player's death.


-增加可能性,自由升级的技工SVDm 2。






2009-09-25《潜行者:晴空》v1.5.06升级补丁    【54MB】 多国