

所属游戏: 潜行者:晴空
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This was caused by the fact that the autosave function failed to save all data, and once such a saved game was loaded, the game became impossible to complete.。 If this error occurred, it was necessary to restart the game from the beginning- Fixed a bug with secondary objectives (Deliver item), which caused the arrow to point to the wrong NPC after a save/load. - Changed the reward for lowering the bridge in the Red Forest. -- Changed the reward for killing bandits at the Freedom base filling station. -

- Fixed the Freedom technician's dialogue. 话。 After accepting a secondary objective, it became impossible to undertake/complete objectives to find flash drives.- Fixed an error, which caused the situation to be displayed incorrectly in the PDA Faction War section. -- Fixed an error, which caused the number of grenades for the grenade launcher attachment to be saved incorrectly following modifications. -- Fixed an error, which caused FPS to fall when the cursor was moved over headings on the PDA map.








2009-09-25《潜行者:晴空》v1.5.05升级补丁    【56MB】 多国