

所属游戏: 强袭装甲零号
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- Fuel platform containers now display correct wrecks when destroyed

- Added score to the mission select screen

- Saving the status of completed at the start of results screen in case the user shuts down the game before the results screen process has finished

- The forward and backward thrusting were not working for Mech mode when Auto aiming with gamepad. This has been fixed.

- Applied some HUD and UI alignment adjustments.

- Removed short period of gameplay between two end cutscenes at the end of mission 9

- Removing upgrade when you complete tunnel run with no limiters killed

- Fixed a crash coming out of the frigate cutscene in Mission 3

- Fixing stage 2 mission 11 - corvettes fleeing properly and squads now get clean down properly

- Health of freighters now correctly carriers over into each stage and is not reset on restart checkpoint in all stages of Mission 4

- Fixed Zfighting on the arcadia landing strip

- Control now returns to the player after the cruiser KillShot cutscene and Playable area now updates correctly when Enemy Cruiser spawns in stage 3 of Mission11

- Added missing collision to the static allied freighters and the gate tunnel in M1S3

- Removed the visible waypoint in Stage 3 of Mission 11

- All AI squads in Mission 5 that were set to defend the player are now set up to use Tethering instead (they won't keep colliding with the player)

- Updated station turret towers with matching textures and lods

- Fixed bug caused by killing cruiser before bowman arrives in Stage 4 of Mission 4

2013-02-04《强袭装甲零号》v1.0dc130130升级档+破解补丁[THETA]    【4.79MB】 英文