

所属游戏: 文明5:众神与国王
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2. 复制所有文件到游戏安装目录覆盖

3. 开始游戏(如果无法进入游戏,请使用管理员权限进入游戏)



- If you build defensive structures in your city, then save and reload, the hit-point bonus would disappear.

- Hun Battering Ram promotion which allows it to only attack cities is now lost upon upgrade

- Civ5 Touch - Fixes the oddness when rotating tablets

- Graphical - Fix issue with Rock of Gibraltar not showing up correctly.

- Fix the bug where the Maya AI didnt have to pick a different GP for each Baktun

- Fix an issue on a city flip/gift which would cause loss of city plots forever.

- Fixed a bug where liberated CS would not show their vote correctly in the Victory Progress UI screen

- Fix graphics bugs when the game was restarted too many times in a row.

- Shortcuts created through the launcher now function correctly.


- Fix a crash that happens when an AI loses its capital, but still has units, so is still alive

2013-03-14《文明5:众神与国王》v.1.02.21-v1.0.2.44升级档+破    【13MB】 英文