集成游戏发售至今全部升级档 支持全部DLC的解锁
By 3DM
DLC:Modern Collection DLC
Cities in Motion 2: Olden Times
Cities in Motion 2: Back to the Past
Cities in Motion 2: Lofty Landmarks
Cities in Motion 2: Metro Madness
Cities in Motion 2: Bus Mania
Cities in Motion 2: Wending Waterbuses
Cities in Motion 2: Trekking Trolleys
1.5.0-Updated to Unity 4.3
-New platform: Linux
-Fixed bug: New scenario window doesn't display correctly when subscribed to several maps in workshop
-Fixed bug: When stops are overcrowded it takes a long time for passengers to enter vehicles
-Fixed bug: Building obstacles cannot be bulldozed in mapeditor
-Fixed bug: Crash on application quit in Mac OS X
-Fixed bug: Crash with OS X Corrupted Application States
发布日期 | 点击标题下载 | 对应游戏版本 | 说明 |
2014-01-08 | 都市运输2 v1.5.0升级档+破解补丁 【136MB】 | 1.0 | 英文 |