要塞:十字军东征2 4号(1.0.19574)升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(thegfw原创制作)

要塞:十字军东征2 4号(1.0.19574)升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁(thegfw原创制作)

所属游戏: 要塞:十字军东征2
相关操作: 收藏 下载地址 扩展




Version 1.0.19574

New Features 
New skirmish map: ‘The Breath of Life’ 
Tooltips for all troop command buttons. 
Well sprite for mini-map. 
Anti-cheat protection. 
Unit and building stats[strongholdcrusader2.com].

Balance Changes 
‘Close Encounters’ multiplayer map re-balanced. 
‘Isolation’, Desert Heat Trail mission re-balanced. 
‘Hope Springs’, Way of the Warrior Trail mission re-balanced. 
Trebuchet damage halved.

Bug Fixes 
Help icons now all linked to correct help file pages. 
Lobby type (Public, Friends and Invite) now displays correctly for clients. 
Players prevented from moving troops into neutral estates during peacetime using the mini-map. 
Gatehouse will not continue to be captured once enemy troops are no longer on top of it. 
Exploit removed where player Lords could be pushed out of the playable map area. 
Walls are now always built at correct plateau heights, fixing various wall bugs. 
Rally points no longer visible for enemy or ally players in multiplayer. 
Saves and resyncs now always work when using a custom map sent to clients through the multiplayer lobby. 
Knights will not dismount before crossing bridges on horseback. 
Iron Mine workers will not die when an Iron Mine is deleted or destroyed. 
Engine tower armour values fixed. 
Fixed various crash and sync issues.

by thegfw