灰蛊 3号升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

灰蛊 3号升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

所属游戏: 灰蛊
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Update 3:

To ensure the integrity of your game experience, we had to make several changes to the core game files. This required a wipe of all save files, as well as the reset of any previously saved hotkey configurations. Make note of any hotkey configurations, and if you have a mid-mission save try to finish it before we implement the patch! Your overall campaign progress will not be lost, just all individual save files for Campaign missions and Skirmish. 

- Added new idle leash time which operates on a lower distance threshold. Units will now wait three seconds before moving back to their original position after being pushed a certain distance. 
- Increased idle leashing range value from 140 to 350. Units can now be pushed further before they attempt to move back to their original location 
- Changed avoidance logic to deal with head on collisions in a more efficient manner 
- Modified group stopping logic to fix units stopping early or two far away from target point when moving in a large group 

Unit Selection and Responsiveness 
- Ctrl+Click now has the same effect as double clicking a unit. Default Defensive Ping bind has been moved to 
- Factory hotkeys are now enabled for Mother Goo 
- Fixed mouse double click detection when a key is held down 
- Improved Goo and unit selection functionality through the UI 
- Fixed issue where clicking on the minimap to move the viewport immediately after an attack-move click was not functioning properly 
- Unit selection activation changed from mouse click up to mouse click down 
- Improved responsiveness on actions taken with proteans immediately after splitting off a Mother Goo 

- Added a health change handler to the stealthed Monitors in The Shallows to properly detect offscreen damage to start the bonus objective 
- Destroying catalyst crates no longer counts toward their collection in The Observatory 

- Situation where match is disbanded while a player is on the password screen is now properly handled 
- Fixed issue where Quick Match dialogue was remaining hidden after the user entered an invalid password 
- LAN matches are now properly cancelled when host leaves by accepting an invite to a premade lobby 
- Players are now properly removed from LAN game lobbies when they Alt+F4 
- Fixed a crash that would occur at the end of a match 
- Fixed a few onnection Interrupted?issues that would occur when a host attempted to reconnect 

- Added Video Device Description and Advance Renderer options in the video settings menu 
- AI processing is now distributed among multiple cores to improve performance in scenarios where there are multiple AI. This change invalidates prior save files 
- Forward renderer implemented making a 25% reduction in draw calls when Advanced Renderer is disabled 
- Shadow and water shader LODs implemented, reducing draw calls another 25% when shader detail is set to low 
- Tweaked the auto-detection feature to utilize new forward renderer and lower shader LODs 
- Improved auto-detection feature to better detect against PC specs 
- Moved the regeneration of navigation meshes to a background thread to avoid stalling the game logic thread in certain situations 

- Fixed an AI loop where the AI would build a lot of refineries, but no extractors or units 

- Addressed remaining instances of VFX showing through Fog of War 
- Human Air Pad and Teleporter structures now have proper explosion VFX upon being destroyed 

Terrain Editor 
- Made new map creation dialogue more user friendly and clear concerning size constraints, entry fields, and requirements 

- Steam popups now appear in the upper right of the screen instead of the bottom right 
- Fixed an issue where the player name was not showing up in chat 
- Updated the stealth and attacking tutorial image 
- Added localization for recently added strings 
- Mother Goo can now properly set a rally point when using the hotkey 
- Pings no longer get stuck on mouse clicks when the user uses the elect All?command 
- Player can now properly ping even when units are selected 
- RTS Primer video voice over now properly matches the key combinations communicated in the video and subtitles 


2015-03-07灰蛊 3号升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版    【266.2MB】