- 增加了可能性继续游戏,主线任务完成后
- 所有lipsyncs新生成和改进
- 缺少部分任务添加对话框动画
- 非凡的动物的战利品有一个较高的值(剑齿虎,鳄鱼,美洲狮)
- 支线任务与军医Sawford正常工作现在
- 英国目前的合同在6日的合同后,正常完成
- 从Juels宝石现在可以正常运行
- 从Juels英国合同和珠宝调整奖励
- 现在杀挤压后,你是公认的圣胡安搏击冠军戒指(圣胡安扑灭戒指现在结束正常)
- 孤独的树岛 - 在地图上的位置是正确的,现在
- 文字“通话马库斯”确实不再出现在不正确的位置
- 鸟类岛的藏宝图现在是正确的
- 雷打boss增强:改进实施,新开盘的过场动画加入,音质改善
- 乔恩的模特(街道和妓院)更新
- 宝鸟纲固定:附近有胸部的额外宝(盗贼并没有成功地完成他们的任务,他们被杀害前)
- 聆风修正:乌鸦不会偷的钟声了
- 战斗系统修复(命中上举固定的转向,加载时间肮脏的战斗和完成更改)
- 踢,重拳出击,运行攻击和掠夺攻击现在都优先于受到伤害,并进入了伤害动画
- 肯辛顿过场动画新后处理。
Update 1.03 Changelog
Savegames from older versions are compatible, but changes in quests will have no effect while using old savegames.
- added possibility to continue the game, after the main quest is finished
- all lipsyncs newly generated and improved
- missing dialog animations added in fraction quests
- the loot of extraordinary animals has an higher value (saber tooth tiger, alligator, puma)
- side quest with medic Sawford works properly now
- British contracts now finish properly after the 6th contract
- Jewels from Juels now work properly
- adjusted rewards from British Contracts and Jewels from Juels
- after killing Squeeze now you are acknowledged as the San Juan Fight Ring champion (San Juan Fight Ring now ends properly)
- The Lone Tree Island - the position on the map is correct now
- text "Talk to Marcus" does no longer appearing in incorrect positions
- the treasure map of Aves Island is now the correct one
- Ray boss fight enhanced: improvements implemented, new opening cutscene added, sound quality improved
- Jon’s models (street and brothel) updated
- Aves Treasure fixed: there is an extra treasure near the chest (the thieves hadn’t managed to complete their tasks before they were killed)
- Hear the Wind fix: the raven will not steal the chime anymore
- fighting system fixes (fixed steering in hit on the move, loading time for dirty fight and finished changed)
- Kick, Heavy Attack, Run Attack and Raven Attack now are prioritized over receiving damage and going into the hurt animation
- Kensington cutscene newly postprocessed.
发布日期 | 点击标题下载 | 对应游戏版本 | 说明 |
2015-12-23 | 仇杀:乌鸦的悲鸣之诅咒 v1.03升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版 【3.6GB】 | v1.03 |