

所属游戏: 纪元1404:探索的开端
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1.Risen from the Ruins(白手起家):Demolish 5,000 buildings(拆除5000幢建筑)

2.For the road ahead(奋勇前行):Build 100,000 sections of road(建造10000节道路,至于1节道路是指1个格子的道路还是指建造一次道路我不大清楚啊,求解答)

3.Save the forests(拯救森林):Planted 10,000 trees(植树10000棵)

4.Because I can afford it(量入为出):Built an Imperial Chatedral in game and demolished it(建造一个帝国大教堂并拆除它)白送的成就,拆毁之前保存下就好了,并且获得头衔:骄奢淫逸(按左贤王版本)

5.You should have a stroll here(热情推荐)You have built 1,000 Cobblestone streets in a game(在一局游戏中建造1000块石子路,1格子路算作一块,已经亲自验证)

6.Force of habit(习惯的力量)You have built 20 Fisherman"s huts on an island in this game(一局游戏中在同一个小岛上建20个渔夫小屋)


1.The longest Trading rounte in the world(远洋贸易):Created a treading route with over 25 stations in the game (在一句游戏中创造一条包括25个站点的贸易路线)

2.More is always best!(多多益善)Had 35 active trading routes in a game(在一局游戏中同时拥有35条有效的贸易路线)

3.Unfailing logistics(保障供给)Had 35 ships traveling on trading routes(有同时35艘船用于贸易线路)

4.Hansa Teutonica(商会会员)Deminstrated business acumen.Attained these achievements(展现你的经商才能。获得以下成就,即使获得以下成就后自动获得该成就):

·Leave trading to the Boss (漠视贸易)此成就是经济类成就的第一个,就是达到巨型都市状态,且仓库中从未进行物资交易

·More is always best!(多多益善)

·The longest Trading route in the world(远洋贸易)

·Unfailing logistics(保障供给)

奖励头衔:The Hanseatic(商会成员)

5.Itchy feet(渴望经商)Covered over 250,00 Nautical miles with your flag ship (你的旗舰航行超过25000海里)

奖励头衔:The Globertrotter (环球观光旅行者)

6.You can go home now(宽容官员)You have shut down 500 buildings in this game.(在一局游戏中关闭工厂500次)

7.The little busy bee(辛勤忙碌)You have produces 500tons of Beeswax in a game.(在一局游戏中生产500吨蜂蜡)

8.Turn the hose on!(沙漠工作)Used 50,000 tons of water in Norias in a game.(水车工房使用50000吨水)

9.Dig deeper!(深入采矿)You spent 100,000 gold to regenerate your Raw material deposits in a game.(在一局游戏中花费100000金币再生资源矿脉)

10.Gold fever(狂热淘金)Spent 20,000 gold coins to regenerate gold mines in a game.(在一局游戏中花费20000金币再生金矿)

11.Out of sight,out of mind(怠工渎职)Throw 500 tons of Goods overboard.(从船上扔500吨货物入海)

12.How about tasting it?(醉心美食)Throw 50 tons of sugar in the ocean.(将50吨蔗糖扔入海中)


1.The Sea is a cold mistress (不谙海战)Lost 500 ships.(共计损失500艘船)

2.You blessed nuisance,will you live forver?(无人永生)Lost 250 armies(损失250支军队)

3.Behold my words ,ye mighty,and despair!(厌恶军事) Lost 1,000 buildings(损失1000幢建筑,应该是被敌军摧毁,自己拆的不算)

4.I wanted to get rid of it anyway...(临阵脱逃)50 buildings were seized by enemies(被敌人占林50幢建筑)

5.Ladykiller (情场浪子)Defeat female computer player 25 times(击败女性电脑玩家25次)

6.Femme fatale(红颜祸水)Defeat a male computer player 25 times(击败男性电脑玩家25次)



1.Smile please!(镇定自若)Take more than 500 screenshots.(截屏500次,一说300次。。反正截就是了)

2.Greeting from the holidaymakers(见闻广博) Spent 1 hour in Post Card view.(使用明信片视角1小时,应该是按F1那个吧)

3.What is this spy at again?(心怀戒备)Play 2 hours in the closest camera view.(使用近距离视角2小时)

4....and the trading market come over there (善于经商) Play 10 hours in the medium camera perspective.(使用中距离视角10小时)

5.Has anybody seen my Ship?(高瞻远瞩)Play 20 hours in distant camera perspective.(使用远距离视角20小时)

6.I see what you don"t see! (我看到你没看到的了!)Get the following achievements:(获得以下成就,即使获得以下成就后自动获得该成就)

·Greeting from the holidaymakers(见闻广博) 

·What is this spy at again?(心怀戒备)

·...and the trading market come over there (善于经商)

·Has anybody seen my Ship?(高瞻远瞩)

获得头衔 Hawk-eye(敏锐鹰眼)

7.Stop the World!(改变世界)Pause the world 250 times.(暂停250次)

8.Up,up and away!(赞叹不已)Accelerate the game for an hour.(用加速模式玩游戏1小时)

9.Let"s hope there"s been no time paradox(杞人忧天)Get following achivements :(获得以下成就,即使获得以下成就后自动获得该成就)

·Stop the World!(改变世界)

·Up,up and away!(赞叹不已)