二维征服 v1.3.0dH升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版

二维征服 v1.3.0dH升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版

所属游戏: 二维征服
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1.3.0d修补程序发布 - 虹吸,伪造,楼宇管理等



- 已解决的问题时,有时会逆时针的“构建虹吸”按钮将不会出现上不可用行动+固定不必要的零
- 修正了魔法显示和远程魔法伤害显示屏锻造面板上的英雄
- 锻造面板调整了英雄图标
- 固定问题,改变预设的法术界的所有名称标签成关毁灭系法术预设窗口之后
- 残疾人净化/腐败/道路建设不败监护人功能+增加了更多的工具提示这些能力
- 修正工具提示在城市活动事件
- 增加四舍五入到城市收入提示
- 这是不可能再拆除的建筑物是其他已建成的建筑物的先决条件
- 对上船/下船附加提示
- 固定的问题时,有时会发现矿产不会在任何地方任何产卵
- 增加了工具提示设备插槽锻造面板
- 修正了骚乱四舍五入的城市名单
- 修正了在AI回合战斗autoresolving时,有时发生
- 修正了点击“autoresolve”在战斗中多次之后,有时发生
- 修正错误的通知虹吸管
- 修正了非常罕见的AI崩溃
- 第一个法律城市/军队/股,现在在世界地图上投放时自动选择
- 调整了对违法单位和军队红框铸造面板
- 增加了双击为城市/军队单位铸板
- 在城市工人重新分配现在会立即​​刷新结构/租赁标签
- 成就修复
- 修正了丢失的恢复进度图标标志复古/火山遗址时,

1.3.0c释放 - 平衡的改善和修复法术



- Hammerhands有适当的副手命中值(+7,是+4)
- 督导员已减少生命值(36,为48)和坚韧节省(3,为4)
- 女妖接受悬浮能力
- 幽灵战机升空接收和创建亡灵的能力,减少生命值(60,84)
- 软泥减少伤害(3D4,3D4是+ 4)
- 伟大的Wyrms减少毒(3D4,持续2回合,是3D4 + 1,持续5回合)
- 海蛇增益再生能力和抗寒性25
- 狼人失去无谓的正能量漏洞
- DRAN和敏锐的法师有适当的水平(5,呈4)
- Aelys残破有正确的运动点(4,为2)
- 真视由乙醚单位保护,因为它应该
- 删除了一些冗余的技能(比如石工抗扰度构造)
- 增加了水上行走能力,所有的两栖类动物(朗伯特公羊,幻影战士,纳迦,水元素,幻影野兽,Marids,海蛇,拉米亚)
- 盗贼英雄正确不能拿点水平上的空白UPS射击技能
- 精灵轻骑兵,骑兵翼,食人魔术士和法师食人魔在旅馆正确的招聘成本

- 放不开罚现在-25%(为50%)
- 商人给每弹出0.5黄金(为1),费用2点(为3)
- 贤者奖金是50%(为10%)
- 小灵奖金是50%(25%)

- 增加了工具提示单元分割面板
- 分割无视对角线移动处罚
- 与世界末日法术的问题,可能会导致从魔法书消失
- 修正了放血的描述
- 与战斗魔法有时住打击后积极修复问题
- 修正了迅捷和急速造成战斗后下降运动点
- 修正了大自然的治疗不工作负载后,现有单位
- 用闪电链的伤害已解决的问题被滞留在0
- 生命的呼吸恢复,现在恢复后的经验;复活英雄不再被认为是死了,活着
- 复活的英雄现在保留自己的水平(但没有经历过)
- 修正错误的X11,而不是在X2全面帆介绍
- 与第一乐章固定的问题全帆后花费4点的运动
- 对业主单位施法现在绕过电阻和豁免检定(但不豁免)
- 修正了混沌通道保存/加载问题
- 嗜血将在目标的回合只会触发
- 上一个/下一个军队按钮现在将跳过与愈合,巩固军队的订单
- 研究法术描述现在将显示战略版本的描述可用法术施放对世界和作战地图
- 修正试图施放法术存储在施法时造成堵塞铸按钮,同一个咒语
- 修正了城市罚显示屏和计算
- 通过法术抵抗法术不再理会豁免
- 和平主义检定工作正常
- 抵制元素的目标,而不是(任意)单位友方单位
- 神圣武器现在给正确奖金:+1命中和伤害,魔法武器

1.3.0b发布 - 定负荷问题,并冻结



- 定负荷问题
- 修正了AI时间停止的问题
- 与攻击的处罚已解决的问题
- autocombat在固定吸取生命的能力
- 增加对autocombat合并的有效性
- 修正了丢失的工具提示购买按钮
- 修正项权力旅店后负荷增加
- 修正错误的在旅馆范围的单位价值
- 关闭窗口时,已解决的问题时,验船师活跃
- 与放逐后的城市列表窗口中已解决的问题
- 改变燃烧的烈士来自给予+6力量+2法术伤害
- 调整了预制魔法上议院有适当有效的法术选秀权
- 学科平衡调整:方士费3分(为1),商家成本3点(2),神秘的费用2点(1),并给出+0.5电源/人口(0.1),召唤师给出20%的折扣(10%),开明给了15%的奖金(5%),地质学家给出了50%的奖金(20%)
- 改变盖亚的祝福:现在terraforms冻土带,沼泽和沙漠与15%的几率森林(是:terraforms沙漠平原到5%几率)


1.3.0d hotfix released - siphon, forge, building management and more
Hi again,

The Summer Steam sale is up and running for a week already and we have got a new hotfix for you.
Thanks for taking your time and sending us your save games with descriptions what is wrong. We really appreciate your help.

Here is the full changelog for latest fix called 1.3.0d:

- Fixed issues when sometimes turn counter wouldn't appear on 'build siphon' button + fixed unnecessary zeros on unavailable actions
- Fixed mana display and ranged magical damage display for heroes on forge panel
- Tweaked hero icons of forge panel
- Fixed issue changing all name labels of preset's spell circles into destruction after closing preset spells window
- Disabled purification/corruption/road construction for features with undefeated guardian + added more tooltips for those abilities
- Fixed tooltips for active events in cities
- Added rounding to city income tooltips
- It's no longer possible to demolish a building that is a prerequisite to other already constructed buildings
- Additional tooltips for embark/disembark
- Fixed issue when sometimes Mineral Discovery would not spawn anything anywhere
- Added tooltips for equipment slots on forge panel
- Fixed unrest rounding on cities list
- Fixed crash that sometimes occured when autoresolving combat during AI turn
- Fixed crash that sometimes occured after clicking 'autoresolve' during combat multiple times
- Fixed wrong notifications for siphons
- Fixed very rare AI crash
- First legal city/army/unit will now be automatically selected when casting on world map
- Tweaked red frames on illegal units and armies for casting panel
- Added double click for cities/armies units for casting panel
- Reassigning workers in cities will now immediately refresh construct/hire tabs
- Achievements fix
- Fixed missing restoration progress icons for flags when restoring Ancient/Volcanic Ruin

1.3.0c released - balance improvements and spells fixes
Hi All,

That was a busy week.
Thanks for all the feedback provided and all the save games sent to us.
Even if I don't reply/confirm, we are checking all of them.

Full changelog:

Fixes and tweaks to units:
- Hammerhands have proper off-hand to hit value (+7, was +4)
- Wardens have reduced Hit Points (36, was 48) and Fortitude saves (3, was 4)
- Banshees receive Levitation ability
- Wraiths receive Levitation and Create Undead abilities, have reduced Hit Points (60, was 84)
- Slimes have reduced damage (3d4, was 3d4+4)
- Great Wyrms have reduced Poison (3d4 for 2 turns, was 3d4+1 for 5 turns)
- Sea Serpents gain Regeneration ability and Cold Resistance 25
- Werewolves lose their pointless Positive Energy Vulnerability
- Dran and Keen Master have proper levels (5, was 4)
- Aelys the Broken has correct Movement Points (4, was 2)
- True Sight protects from ethereal units as it should
- removed some redundant abilities (such as Stoning Immunity for Constructs)
- added Water Walking ability to all amphibians creatures (Longboat Rams, Phantom Warriors, Nagas, Water Elementals, Phantom Beasts, Marids, Sea Serpents, Lamia)
- Rogue heroes correctly cannot take Point Blank Shot ability on level ups
- Elven Hussars, Winged Hussars, Ogre Warlocks and Ogre Mages have correct hiring costs in inns

Further disciple tweaks:
- Prude penalty is now -25% (was -50%)
- Merchant gives 0.5 Gold per pop (was 1), costs 2 points (was 3)
- Sage bonus is 50% (was 10%)
- Healer bonus is 50% (was 25%)

- Added tooltips for units for split panel
- Splitting was ignoring diagonal movement penalty
- Issues with Armageddon spell, might cause disappearance from spellbook
- Fixed Bloodletting's description
- Fixed issues with combat enchantments sometimes staying active after combat
- Fixed Alacrity and Haste resulting in decreased movement points after combat
- Fixed Nature's Cure not working on already existing units after load
- Fixed issues with Chain Lightning damage being stuck at 0
- Breath of Life now restores experience after revival; revived heroes are no longer considered both dead and alive
- Resurrected heroes now retain their level (but not experience)
- Fixed wrong x11 instead of x2 in Full Sails description
- Fixed issues with first movement costing 4 movement points after Full Sails
- Spellcasting on owner's units now bypasses resistances and saving throws (but not immunities)
- Fixed Chaos Channels save/load issues
- Bloodlust will only trigger during target's turn
- Prev/next army button will now skip over armies with heal and fortify orders
- Research spell description will now show strategic version's description for spell available to cast on world and combat map
- Fixed trying to cast a stored spell while casting the same spell resulted in blocked cast button
- Fixed cities penalty display and calculation
- Spells passing spell resistance no longer ignore saving throw
- Pacifism saving throw works correctly
- Resist Elements' target is Friendly Unit instead of (any) Unit
- Holy Arms now gives correct bonuses: +1 to hit and damage, and magical weapons

1.3.0b released - fixed load issues and freezing
With this hotfix we have focused on bugs only, and probably we will deliver a next one later this week.

Again, we really appreciate your feedback and input in making this game better. 
As already mentioned in another thread we are also working on new display of 
roads, extra tooltips over the world map, and also new type of interaction (left 
for select and right for action).

Full changelog:

- Fixed load issues
- Fixed AI Time Stop issues
- Fixed issues with attack penalties
- Fixed Drain Life ability during autocombat
- Increased effectiveness of Merging in autocombat
- Fixed missing tooltip for purchase button
- Fixed items increasing in power in inns after load
- Fixed wrong ranged value for units in inns
- Fixed issues when closing a window when surveyor is active
- Fixed issues with cities list window after banish
- Changed Blazing Martyr spell from giving +6 Strength to +2 Damage
- Tweaked premade Sorcerer Lords to have proper valid spell picks
- Discipline balance tweaks: Alchemist costs 3 points (was 1), Merchant costs 3 points (2), Mystic costs 2 points (1) and gives +0.5 Power/population (0.1), Summoner gives 20% discount (10%), Enlightened gives 15% bonus (5%), Geologist gives 50% bonus (20%)
- Changed Gaia's blessing: it now terraforms tundras, swamps and deserts into forests with 15% chance (was: terraforms deserts into plains with 5% chance)

by BAT

2016-07-15二维征服 v1.3.0dH升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版    【118.7MB】 v1.3.0