骷髅女孩 v20170402升级档+免DVD补丁PLAZA版

骷髅女孩 v20170402升级档+免DVD补丁PLAZA版

所属游戏: 骷髅女孩
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- 日本的战斗声音现在加入,免费,为大家!在“语音设置”下的“选项”菜单中更改每个字符的JP / EN。
- 日语故事对话框被添加到第二个Encore Upgrade DLC包,所以现在你可以选择JP / EN为你的故事模式!

- 添加了-disablelighting启动选项。说了什么,禁止99%的游戏中的照明。启用此功能将使游戏在坏电脑上运行得更好,但会更糟糕。

- 在培训模式下,仅在PC / Mac / Linux上添加了“无”作为“虚拟动作”选项。如果你有一个控制器在训练模式下控制两个角色的错误,那就是“修复”。叹。 (=。=)
- 修正了从游戏机上的人们踢人。
- 修复恶魔大堂错误,大厅有时会多次准备/未通知。
- 修复了多个错误与midstage双快照。助攻现在必须始终达到舞台边缘,除非中心舞台活跃。一堆奇怪的情况现在被照顾。 (感谢年龄!)
- 爆破A列车,Pummel马和Canis Major Press的结尾现在可以击中攻击者,Burst-> alpha计数器也是如此。小心!
- 巨大的手臂,3狼Moonsault,钻石永远,Tricobezoar,两次害羞,头部高跟鞋,第五个Dismember,Lonesome Lenny,收养处方/反对者和Rebirth Ex Machina都现在正确地授予对手一个真正的米,反对给予他们最小的可能的攻击能力或根本没有。沉默范围和地狱旅没有调整,他们应该给予很少的米,并已经建立了这样做。
- 增加PS4上传统USB设备的死区大小。忘了这样做,当我为DS4s! (感谢AlcoholicRobot)
- 固定的突发性hitspark声音偶尔很奇怪。 (还感谢AlcoholicRobot)
- 头晕倒数所有帧,而不仅仅是非跳过的帧。修复了一个可能的脱机在线!
- 从大厅踢出不再锁定你的所有其他游戏模式,直到游戏重新启动。 :^ P
- SDL已经更新到版本2.0.5,它应该修复具有奇怪的DBUS配置的某些系统上的帧率问题。
- 添加了-nohidpi选项来手动解决某些Mac上出现游戏崩溃的最新更新的崩溃。
- Beowulf的移动清单现在包括EX Wulf Press Slam命令。糟糕:^ P

- 240度以上时,所有伤害都不会消除,只需额外的45%(至55%,1000 - > 550),与正常值相同。
- 当Undizzy在240+以上时,酒吧在开始减少之前等待4f的恢复,因此重置必须给防御者一个更大的窗口,不再受到惩罚。在240以下,该栏仍然立即减少,并且从blockstun恢复时不会有任何延迟(除非以前的hitstun延迟尚未完成)。
- 在三人组合上拍摄一个角色现在锁定了两个助攻,而不仅仅是你踢出的一个。这也将DHC锁定到这两个角色,一般来说,扮演三重奏的风险更高。从技术上讲,这是一个错误修复,但由于它改变了动态,我将其列为更改。
- 当Undizzy处于240+以上时,攻击者总是获得最小的伤害级别,并且受害者总是获得最大值。

- 所有版本的A-Train现在已被IPS跟踪,并且如果没有链接可以授予Undizzy或IPS突发。 (对于IPS,它作为与黄铜指关节的独特特别举措)。
- 他现在可以在同一个组合中使用嘲讽的替补,他获得了嘲讽。
- 超级超级爵士乐--190伤害。在完全缩放的情况下,嘲讽现在几乎可以提供超过一个额外的超级伤害,而不是超过这一点。

- s.MP - >管炸弹将不会再错误地从麦克风下降触发,如果s.MP的第一次击中两个都没有被链接,并且在第一次击中超过240个Undizzy。
- 两个相互交换的无椅子j.HPs现在将互相技术。这需要两个攻击都是活跃的!如果只有一个是活动的,那么它将正常地抓住。
- 从装甲反应中删除了剩下的错误脚本。 (感谢欧盟SG!)
- 在空气敲击命中框架4上增加了缺少的物理范围框。
- Canis Major Press的非超级版本现在已被IPS跟踪,如果抓住模式的启动攻击未被链接,则可以授予IPS和Undizzy突发。

- 由Excellebella持有的敌人总是被认为在她面前非常遥远,因为在被抓住之后,在结束之前的框架是不是这样的。这应该在Excellebella辅助抓手的第一部分中随机获得面对错误的方式或后向运动的攻击。
- Pummel Horse现在已经被IPS跟踪了,如果没有链接,可能会发出Undizzy或IPS突发。 (对于IPS,它现在算作Excellebella,因为它们都是可以组合的。


update v20170402:
Japanese Voices added!
- Japanese combat voices are now added, free, for everyone! Change between JP/EN per character in the Options menu under Voice Settings.
- Japanese story dialog is added to the 2nd Encore Upgrade DLC pack, so now you can choose between JP/EN for your story modes!

Launch Option added
- Added the -disablelighting Launch Option. Does what it says, disables 99% of in-game lighting. Enabling this will make the game run better on bad computers, but it will look much worse.

General Bug Fixes
- Added "None" as a Dummy Action choice in Training Mode, on PC/Mac/Linux only. If you have the bug where one controller controls both characters in Training Mode, this is the "fix". Sigh. (=.=)
- Fixed kicking people from lobbies on consoles.
- Fix the Demon Lobbies bug where lobbies would occasionally repeatedly set ready/unready.
- Fixed multiple bugs with midstage double snaps. Assists now must always reach the stage edge to stay in, unless Center Stage is active. A bunch of weird cases are now taken care of. (thanks Age!)
- Bursting the end of A-Train, Pummel Horse, and Canis Major Press can now hit the attacker, and so can Burst->alpha counter. Be careful!
- Gigantic Arm, 3 Wolf Moonsault, Diamonds Are Forever, Tricobezoar, Twice Shy, Head Over Heels, Fifth of Dismember, Lonesome Lenny, Acquisitive Prescription/Countervenom, and Rebirth Ex Machina all now properly grant the opponent a real amount of meter, as opposed to giving them the minimum meter possible from an attack or none at all. Silent Scope and Inferno Brigade were not adjusted, they are supposed to grant very little meter and were already set up to do that.
- Increased the size of the dead zone for legacy USB devices on PS4. Forgot to do this when I did it for DS4s! (thanks AlcoholicRobot)
- Fixed burstable-hitspark sound occasionally being weird. (also thanks AlcoholicRobot)
- Undizzy counts down on all frames, not just non-skipped frames. Fixes a possible desync online!
- Being kicked from a lobby no longer locks you out of all other game modes until the game is restarted. :^P
- SDL has been updated to version 2.0.5, which should fix the framerate issues on certain systems that have weird DBUS configurations.
- Added the -nohidpi option to manually resolve crashes on certain Macs that have extremely recent updates that made the game crash.
- Beowulf's move list now includes the EX Wulf Press Slam command. Oops. :^P

Overall Gameplay Changes
- ALL damage when above 240 undizzy is simply scaled by an extra 45% (to 55%, 1000 -> 550), with the same minimums as normal.
- When Undizzy is at 240+, the bar waits for 4f after recovery from hitstun before starting to decrease, so that resets must give the defender a larger window before no longer being penalized. Below 240, the bar still decreases instantly, and there is no delay when recovering from blockstun (unless a previous delay from hitstun has not yet finished).
- Snapping out a character on a trio now locks out both assists, not just the one you snapped out. This also locks out DHCs to both characters, and in general makes playing a trio riskier. Technically this qualifies as a bug fix, but since it changes that dynamic I have listed it as a Change.
- When Undizzy is at 240+, the attacker always gets the minimum damage-scaled metergain and the victim always gets the maximum.

Big Band
- All versions of A-Train are now IPS tracked, and can grant Undizzy or IPS bursts if not chained into. (For IPS it counts as a separate special move from Brass Knuckles.)
- He now can抰 use taunted supers during the same combo that he gained the taunt.
- Taunted Super Sonic Jazz -190 damage. At full scaling having a taunt gives almost exactly one extra super抯 worth of damage now, instead of more than that.

Bug Fixes
- s.MP -> Pipe Bomb will no longer wrongly trigger Undizzy from the mic drop if the first hit of s.MP both wasn't chained into and also brings Undizzy over 240 on the first hit.
- Two chairless j.HPs that would trade with each other, will now tech each other. This requires both attacks to be active! If only one is active then it will grab as normal.
- Removed leftover buggy script from armor reactions. (thanks EU SG!)
- Added missing physical extent box on frame 4 of air knockup hitstun.
- Non-super versions of Canis Major Press are now IPS tracked, and can grant IPS and Undizzy bursts if the grab-mode starting attack wasn't chained into.

Bug Fix
- Enemies held by Excellebella are always considered to be very far in front of her, because on the frames during the settling after being grabbed where that was not the case. This should fix randomly getting attacks facing the wrong way or backward motions during the first part of Excellebella assist grabs.
- Pummel Horse is now IPS tracked, and can grant Undizzy or IPS bursts if not chained into. (For IPS it now counts as Excellebella, because they are both comboable grabs.)
- The last hit of Excellebella assist only and all followup damage is force-scaled to 33% maximum. (Raw assist 1650 dmg to 1047 dmg.)
- j.HP scales damage to 75%, to give her slightly less reward for how much blockstun and priority it has.

Bug Fix
- The middle hits of j.HP now have the same momentum fix as the last hit does. This may not change very much, it is more for consistency.

Bug Fix
- Sekhmet doesn't turn around when hit from the back by certain moves like Zoom!

Bug Fixes
- Instant-air beams are now always possible with assist commands (D,DF,F,UF/U+P+K). Previously this was glitched during jump-rise unless the Kick button was pressed before the Punch button.
- All allied sprites will never blow up Headrone Impact mines. (This was a few bugs combined.)
- Removed leftover buggy script from armor reactions. (thanks EU SG!)
- Headrone Salvo missiles 揔itten Moussles? free unused pun to good home now properly display IPS and Undizzy sparks when they hit, if those conditions are active.
- Lv1 and Lv3 Catastrophe Cannons now pull the opponent downward more, hitstop on each Cannon hit increased by 4f, and lowered the launch height of the individual hits, to help make many DHCs from Cannon not randomly miss half the time.

Bug Fix
- Countervenom and Acquisitive Prescription properly set the DHC number, so the correct DHCs are always available no matter which supers Valentine has done previously. (thanks amabane!)
- Purple poison decides whether it will be max-undizzy-scaled or not when the syringe hits, and doesn't change any time after that.

Title screen build ID 15667


2017-04-04骷髅女孩 v20170402升级档+免DVD补丁PLAZA版    【295M】 v20170402