恐怖黎明 v1.0.3.0升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

恐怖黎明 v1.0.3.0升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版

所属游戏: 恐怖黎明
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其他浏览目录= C: Program Files(x86) Steam steamapps common Grim Dawn gdx1
其他源代码目录= C: Program Files(x86) Steam steamapps common Grim Dawn mods gdx1



修正了Gloomwald Stash的问题,如果在另一个难度上完成,不可能开始。现在的任务从一个任务项目开始,这个任务从前面的知识注释掉落在同一个区域。
修正了Bella Fald无法制造随机传奇配件的问题。
修正了Etram Fald无法制造某些传奇肩膀的问题(仅在Malmouth灰烬中是个问题)
来自Nemesis Troves的稀有物品掉落率提高,传奇物品掉落率略有上升。
Treasure Troves的稀有物品掉落率提高。 Treasure Troves现在有机会在40级以上生成稀有的Malmouth灰烬材料。在90+以上的机会增加。
在Malmouth抵抗基地的Kaylon(铁匠)能现在转换古老心脏和被污点的脑子成Aetherial诱饵,Aetherial Missives和Wendigo精神以6比1和一个被擦亮的祖母绿。
Roguelike Dungeons的最后一个胸部现在总是会在Ultimate难度下至少掉落一个传奇物品。正常/精英的传奇物品几率略有增加。胸口现在总是试图放下所有困难的蓝图。
在Roguelike Dungeons(例如“死亡室”)的战斗事件,特别是精英/终极难度中,掉落传奇物品的几率增加。
稀有 - Voracity:用收获打击奖励替换排泄精华
怪物不常见 - 上升导管:降低仇恨火焰的冷却时间减少到0.3秒,增加40点火焰伤害加到死亡火焰
怪物不常见(#) - 血战磨损中转器:减少厄运螺栓冷却时间减少修正为-0.8s
怪物不常见 - Dermapteran切片机:增加%Amarasta的快速切割武器伤害修正值提高到15%
怪物不常见 - 格罗布天空肖像:减少风暴图腾的冷却时间降低修正值为-1.5秒
怪物不常见 - 收割者的护腿:更新的技能奖金
怪物不常见 - 收割者的腿甲:以刀锋之灵+3换取吞噬之刃的加值
怪物不常见 - 萨拉萨尔的主宰之刃:修改了这个武器。它现在是一个施法者匕首而不是一把剑。基础伤害/属性要求更新。召唤宠物的移动速度提高。
遗物:伤害%对于所有可能产生遗物的遗物,精雕奖励表已经被移除了。相反,这些文物现在可以产生%防御能力或%暴击伤害。所有已经移除了奖励的现有物品都会获得10%/ 18%/ 30%的所有伤害制造奖金(与遗物级别相关)。
圣物 - 诅咒:技能的冷却时间减少到1.3秒
遗物 - 阿尔科维亚的挽歌:固定召唤宠物的失踪姿态,提高攻击和攻击率
Relic - 末日:现在授予技能,而不是对敌人施放减益效果,随着时间的推移造成物理/皮尔斯伤害,并降低攻防能力
文物 - Eldritch Pact:授予的技能现在是一个proc,被攻击的几率为15%,相应地调整值
遗物 - 平衡:增加5%移动速度
Relic - 幽魂:减少%生命水蛭抵抗减少到-20%
遗物 - 大屠杀:授予技能现在是一个proc,释放一个血淋淋的脊椎穿透敌人在一个低冷却时间
遗物 -Nidalla的爆发:减少冷却时间和增加技能的伤害布洛德:固定与Trollheart腰带,Puppetmaster链接和Stoneplate护腰有一个问题,而不是总是滚动一个单一的罕见的词缀2 Affixes.Blueprint - Adept的匕首:减少所有抵抗减少到10Blueprint - Adept's法术之刃:减少所有抵抗减少到12Blueprint - 法师的法术剑:减少所有抵抗减少到15Blueprint - 神话瞎眼刺客兜帽:固定这个项目需要错误类型的怪物稀少(应该是凶手的兜帽).Blueprint - 神话Dawnguard头盔:固定这件物品是不可思议的升级Casque.Blueprint - 94级版本。地图真相的神话面具:固定这个项目不可靠的高级版本的燃烧Casque.Blueprint - 神话Sharpshooter的玻璃眼:固定此项目是不可破解的火化Casque.Blueprint 94级的版本 - Dreeg的声音:固定这个我这是一个94级版本的Leafmane Horn。
传奇 - 军团之盾:增加对技能的伤害,增加10%的总速度加成
传奇 - 宙斯盾卫士:用所有技能+1代替平坦的火焰伤害,奖励技能增加
传奇 - 宙斯盾左轮手枪:固定不当的技能proc的子弹
传奇 - 阿拉加斯特的护肩:用-10%以太/雷电抵抗减少效果修改了埃尔戈洛斯风暴盒的60防御能力修正,为特洛桑的天空碎片增加了100%的寒冷修饰符
传奇 - Belgothian's Slicer:比利时剪刀的武器伤害修正值减少到28%
传奇 - 比利时人的屠杀套装:减少授予技能的伤害
传奇 - Bladetwister徽章:固定转换仅适用于雷电伤害
传奇 - Cindertouch:进攻能力提高到124
传奇 - 暴力朽烂绳索:增加%冷/冰霜伤害奖金
传奇 - 达加隆的驱逐舰:移除了错误的0-72点物理伤害
传奇 - Dark One的礼物套装:对技能过程进行了以下调整。删除了错误的物理/以太奖励,并将以太之物转化为物理伤害,减少%Heal至7%
传奇 - 暗黑色套装:重新设计的奖励和物品
传奇 - 暗黑来源:现在授予技能,释放混乱,在施法者周围造成巨大的火焰和混乱,并击倒敌人。
传奇 - 死亡之刃副手:攻击速度提高到13%
传奇 - 德赫哈德套装:灵魂镰刀的酸伤害修正值降低到120
传奇 - 德赫尔之刃:灵魂镰刀的修正减少到10%
传奇 - 死亡兜帽:增加失踪25%冷转换为酸性加成
传奇 - 死亡之王乐队:用+2血液熬炼替代死亡先驱奖金
传奇 - 占卜者的视野:重新设计的奖励和项目在这一套
传奇 - 恐惧骑士守卫:重新设计了奖励,重点是物理/生命伤害,而不是宠物
传奇 - 恐惧骑士的腿铠:奖励重新设计,重点是身体/活力伤害,而不是宠物
传奇 - Dreadweaver:增加12%攻击速度,增加施法速度到12%
传奇 - 死亡之刃:增加%攻击速度到14%
传奇 - 边缘的理智:增加了失去15%的身体转化为以太
传奇 - 埃尔戈洛斯召唤者:攻击速度提高14%,攻击力降低3%
传奇 - 法拉斯魔方:为帕内蒂复制导弹增加了百分之百的乙太基础
传奇 - 吉尔多的粉碎者:给格雷纳多增加了150点皮尔斯伤害修正
传奇 - 被盗梦境束带:以4%施法速度替换能量燃烧
传奇 - 死亡守护者:增加%对184%的伤害
传奇 - Gutsmasher:替换出血伤害,对技能进程造成额外的物理伤害。流血的伤害造成了一场撞车。
传奇 - Jaxxon的幸运子弹:修正了获得WPS技能的机会,使其自身触发,将WPS的%武器伤害降低到28%
传奇 - 科尔巴之怒套装:增加冷冻伤害加成至16-33
传奇 - 库尔巴的胡德:增加闪电转化为寒冷修正的野蛮人到100%,增加寒冷伤害修正到35
传奇 - 克里格的武器套装:为所有死灵法术师技能+1,将平坦以太伤害加成减少到32-45,将所有抗蚀能力加到所赋予的技能上
传奇 - 克里格的靴子:加了+2的折磨标记和7%的移动速度
传奇 - 克里格的胸甲:给光谱愤怒加2
传奇 - Krieg's Grip:加入光谱绑定+2
传奇 - 克里格的护肩:增加了2个光谱绑定
传奇 - 生命炽焰地幔:%元素/冰霜/电伤的伤害换成%火焰伤害。神话版本已经是这种情况了。
传奇 - 光明后卫护肩:减少%护甲值至4%
传奇 - 光之护手护手:减少%护甲至4%
传奇 - 法师的胡德:对伊格纳法火焰增加10%爆击伤害修正
传奇 - 莫尔古尔的死亡率:增加了失去技能的冷却时间
传奇 - 神话奥秘,Luminari之刃:取代-100%的能量成本,以-10%的元素抵抗敌人的审判者印章。武力修正器增加了70点元素伤害。
传奇 - 神话兽王的护符:为召唤地狱犬和召唤Briarthorn增加34点物理伤害修正
传奇 - 神话骨头护手手套:增加进攻能力至128
传奇 - 暴力朽烂的神话绳索:增加%冷/冰霜伤害奖金
传奇 - 三神话盟约:冷却时间缩短修改器为厄运螺栓-1秒
传奇 - 神话死亡紫水晶:用冰冷的大坝替换冰霜修正器来吸取精华
传奇 - 神话死亡宝石的副手:增加攻击速度到14%,增加%生命力转化为物理修正器收割打击到100%
传奇 - 神话死亡之锤的乐队:用+2血液熬炼替代死亡先驱奖金
传奇 - 神话恐惧骑士守卫:重新设计了奖励,重点是身体/活力伤害,而不是宠物
传奇 - 神话恐惧骑士的腿铠:重新设计了奖励,重点是身体/活力伤害,而不是宠物
传奇 - 神话恐惧编织者:增加14%攻击速度,增加施法速度到14%,在战争哭泣中增加20个减少阻力修正
传奇 - 神话死亡边缘:增加攻击速度到15%,增加3%攻击力转化为生命值
传奇 - 魔导师埃尔戈洛斯召唤师:取代原始攻击加值+3给野蛮人,增加16%攻击速度,减少攻击力4%
传奇 - 神话伊格纳法尔的护手:用55点火焰伤害调整值替换伊格纳法火焰的燃烧伤害调整值
传奇 - 神话雕文Kelphat'Zoth:减少%技能过程中宠物的闪电伤害加成80%
传奇 - 死神之门神话守护者:增加%所有伤害提高到315%,提升坟墓召唤的攻击力修正为10%
传奇 - 神话Hagarradian执行者:更正了与该项目的低级版本具有相同价值的技能过程
传奇 - 神话先驱者的把握:修复了Doom Bolt的%Weapon damage修饰符的一个问题
传奇 - 神话传说中的山心:对被召唤的宠物的物理伤害比预期的要低
传说中 - 启示录的神话传言:固定-1对于毁灭的半径修饰符不会显示在物品上
传奇 - 神话之光后卫肩甲:减少%护甲至4%
传奇 - 神话之光的后卫护手:减少%护甲至4%
传奇 - 神话之光的后卫头盔:减少风暴图腾的雷电伤害加值至25
传奇 - 恐怖神话的标记:用%总速度代替%攻击速度
传奇 - 禁忌神话标记:增加15%几率施放有毒气体云,减少修正者到血腥和温迪戈图腾来补偿
先驱者的神话面具:修正了Doom Bolt%武器伤害修正的问题
传奇 - 绝望神话之喉:修正了卡利多尔的暴风雨,正确授予33%的几率使敌人的伤害降低15%,持续3秒
传奇 - 神话贝洛纳特的无双之眼:将进攻能力降低至理想技能-80
传奇 - 神话灵擒掌握:用%乙醚抵抗替换%毒素抵抗
传奇 - 神话灵魂导师:100%的杀死陷阱灵魂proc
传奇 - 神话Starfury Emerald:修正了哈格拉德符文的-0.5s冷却调整值
传奇 - 神话Stormseer蓝宝石:在Storm Spread中增加5%施法速度和55 Electrocute / 3s修正
传奇 - 加尔达尔的神话感染鲁布:更新了授予技能的价值
传奇 - 神话Trozan的帽子:修正了风魔的-1s Cooldown修改器不能运用它的好处
传奇 - 神话Vigar's Hunger:给Drain Essence增加30点生命伤害修正
传奇 - 神话Vi蛇手套:增加108 / 5s的毒素伤害几率,并使血量达到8%的攻击速度提高
传奇 - 大自然的召唤法衣:修复了一个问题,即多人玩家的宠物召唤限制将会打破
传奇 - Beronath的无双之眼:将被授予技能的进攻能力降低到-70
传奇 - 阿格里维克之怒套装:奥术之镰现在更频繁地攻击,施加全阻抗减益效果,用火焰伤害取代了元素伤害
传奇 - 神话奥术碎片的Agrivix:增加了10%防御火焰护甲修改器
传奇 - Agrivix的神话法典:对Callidor的暴风雨,武器伤害调整值提高到18%,在虹吸灵魂上增加了-10%的以太抗蚀剂修正值
传奇 - Agrivix的神话地幔:增加410生命值
传奇 - 掠夺者的叮咬:增加了失去技能的冷却时间
传奇 - 冰与火统治:增加了对技能过程的冷却时间
传奇 - Riftwarped抓住:%%Aether抵抗替换%毒素抵抗
传奇 - 失落灵魂牧羊犬套装:增加宠物的攻击力加值10%,修复了多人游戏中宠物召唤限制增加的问题
传奇 - 失魂者面具:为崛起骷髅添加了-1s冷却调整值
传奇 - 失魂者碎片:用+2替换地狱火的火焰爪+2,为召唤地狱犬增加15%的攻击速度调整值
传奇 - 法术闪击堡垒:对毁灭造成70点物理伤害修正
传奇 - 法术冲锋遮阳:为破坏增加了-3秒的冷却修正
传奇 - Gar'dal的腐化红宝石:授予技能的更新值
传奇 - 堕落

史诗 - 授权庄严的马克:纠正了一个错误的平坦的生命力奖金。它的目的是%生命力/活力衰减。
史诗 - 强化魔女追猎者:用-4%冷却时间减少替代能量燃烧
史诗 - 法师的乐队:减少平坦的乙醚伤害,以+2为焦点取代Callidor的暴风雨
史诗 - 法师的徽记:减少平坦的乙醚伤害并将进攻能力降低到60,用格斗+2格代替加成
史诗 - 守护者护肩:移除宠物的爆击伤害%
史诗 - 神话Dawnguard:纠正无意识的低护甲值
史诗 - 守护神话地幔:移除宠物%爆击伤害加成
史诗 - 女巫追猎者:以-4%的冷却时间减少替换能量燃烧

组件 - 古代装甲板:增加8%装甲吸收
元素 - 恐惧头骨:增加%移动速度至5%
元素 - 生存护甲:用12%护甲吸收替代精神加值
组件 - Mogdrogen的印记:增加%移动速度至6%
组件 - 旅行者的标志:增加%移动速度到8%
组件 - 神圣的镀层:取代12%护甲吸收的狡诈加成
组件 - 刀刃印章:在授予的技能上增加伤害和%护甲
组件 - 瘟疫印章:增加技能上的伤害和能量消耗,并增加一个暴击伤害加值
元素 - 腐蚀印章:增加授予技能的伤害并增加-8%防御/抗雷击
元素 - 毁灭印章:增加授予技能的伤害和能量消耗,并增加%暴击伤害和Electrocute伤害加值
组件 - 力量印章:在授予的技能上移除错误的以太宠物奖励
元素 - 暗夜之印:增加的技能上的伤害和能量消耗增加,并且增加一个%暴击伤害加值
元素 - 暗影印章:减少技能的冷却时间,值相应调整,并增加一个%爆击伤害加值
组件 - 天际印记:增加授予技能的伤害,并增加一个%暴击伤害加值
组件 - 虚空封印:授予的技能已被重新设计成WPS技能,值相应更新
组件 - Wardstone:增加3%移动速度


修正了Attack / Crit Celestial Powers可以分配到某些魔法增益技能的问题。这是意料之外的行为,因为爱好者仅限于命中/阻挡/低健康权力。这可能导致你的天赋分配重置。
天堂之矛(天赋):增加电击伤害/ 2s


Blast Shield:减少伤害吸收等级7级至750级,等级12级,最高等级1550级
Ulzuin's Chosen:将%全部伤害加值换成%Damage Modifier。这是一个净增益,当叠加大量的损坏奖金的齿轮/抛光,因为结果是乘法。


Phantasmal Blades:Phantasmal Blades:最大等级的武器伤害等级提升到最大等级的85%,6个投射物现在开始等级24,降低能量成本等级

解体:用闪电伤害替代生命伤害,增加等级伤害扩展,增加电击伤害/ 2s





Update v1.0.3.0:
[Major New Features]
The casting mechanic for all skills has been updated to be much more responsive. Casting a skill will now make the character cast it immediately in the targeted direction rather than forcing the character to run up to the skill's casting distance. If you prefer the classic casting mechanic, you can toggle it back in the game options.
Grim Dawn controller implementation has been completely overhauled with a redesigned control scheme as well as new controller exclusive UI. Controller skill usage as well as movement has been made to be more responsive. Steam Controller users will find a new recommended controller configuration.
Non-Steam Controller users will want to reset their keybindings in game to get the new recommended keybindings.

Ashes of Malmouth Monster Infrequents and Rare Materials can now drop in the Crucible.

[Mod Tools]
Note to modders: to make the Asset Manager compatible with expansion files, please make sure your Additional directories are set as follows. You may want to check to make sure your Tools.ini file matches these parameters:
Additional browse directories=C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonGrim Dawngdx1
Additional source directories=C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonGrim Dawnmodsgdx1

Male and Female models have been visited by a tailor, with major tweaks to numerous armor models and textures: 
All Shoulders have been resized to better fit torsos with improved, tighter alignment and numerous texture tweaks for improved color/brightness balance.
All Feet have been resized to better fit legs, with improved proportions, several feet textures tweaked as well.
Tweaks to several helmet models/textures to improve color/brightness balance and texture sharpness.
Several textures tweaks on leg armor for improved color balance and tighter texture sharpness.
Several tweaks to misc. shields for improved normal map details, specular and color balance/sharpness.

Fixed a discrepancy between Pick-Up animation speeds between different weapon types. Two-Handed melee weapons and Dual-Ranged weapons had a slower pick-up speed than intended.

Fixed a bug where extra pets would follow the player incorrectly when the player had more than 6 pets.
Added "Ultra" shadow quality option.
Fixed an issue where Forcewave would cause the game to crash in combination with certain items converting its damage.
Fixed a bug with Illusions not saving properly if a character was equipped with an item they could no longer wear due to requirement changes.
Devotion Reclamation will now use Aether Crystals present in the stash if none are present in the inventory.
Fixed Veteran games showing in the Steam game browser when filtering for Elite difficulty games.
Fixed certain skill cooldowns not showing status icons on client computers in multiplayer.
Updated UPnP detection code.
Scrolling on large windows should be faster.
Fixed instances where scrolling would not work on some windows.
Fixed Pet Bonuses on relics not being randomized.
Fixed quest objectives being cut off in the journal.
Fixed duration modifiers not displaying with some affixes.
Lightning Tether now adds its damage to Storm Box of Elgoloth on the Character Sheet.
Fixed an issue attaching Acid Spray to Rune of Kalastor which would cause framerate drops.

Performed a tuning pass on various Ashes of Malmouth encounters across all difficulties as well as monster scaling at levels 85+, overall incoming Physical damage should be a little lower.
The Potion of Clarity buff can no longer be dispelled.
Added Target Dummies to the Sewer Hideout and the Malmouth Resistance Hideout in Malmouth.
Added missing quest resolution for keeping Hargate's Notes (as opposed to giving them to Kasparov). Take a look around the Fleshworks!
Reduced infamy gained with the Beast Faction per kill.
Increased infamy gained with the Outcast Faction per kill.
Adjusted the damage and healing of the Beast Nemesis, particularly in its split form. Reduced its max health. It can no longer spawn in side dungeons.
Adjusted the damage and Oppression Aura of the Ashes of Malmouth Chthonian Nemesis (Grava'Thul), slightly reduced the speed and duration of its homing Annihilation Orb and reduced the frequency of its charge ability.
Updated the projectile effect for the Arcane hero archetype's Dispel Bolt to be much more pronounced. Slightly reduced its speed.
Added a shortcut out of the Dermapteran Queen's Lair that leads back to the entrance of the dungeon.
Added a shortcut door in the Black Sepulcher that reduces the time to run back out of it significantly, available just past the boss/shrine.
Added a shortcut out of Hargate's Laboratory that leads back to Hagrate's isle
Added a shortcut out of the Tomb of Korvaak, following the Chthonic mini-boss that leads back outside
The Wraith of Ugdenbog quest is now completed for all players, that are on the same task, in Multiplayer when a Wendigo Spirit is turned in.
Fixed an issue where Rictor's Thanks quest could become stuck if the player also previously completed The Gloomwald Stash quest. Players previously affected by this issue can unlock access to the Malmouth Stash by visiting the Sewer Hideout with the affected character. This will unlock the stash and grant you access to the chest inside.
Fixed an issue with The Gloomwald Stash quest being impossible to start if completed on another difficulty. The quest now begins from a quest item, which drops from the same area as the lore note previously did.
Fixed an instance where the Fleshworks dungeon door would remain closed after destroying the vents across multiple sessions.
Fixed a case for the Barrowholm faction quests where Tyvald's quests become impossible to turn in. Players stuck with these turn-ins can speak to Tyvald to complete the quests.
Fixed Bella Fald being unable to craft Random Legendary Accessories.
Fixed Lunal'Valgoth's Monster Infrequents dropping from Gabal'Thunn and not from Lunal'Valgoth.
Fixed several Bounties providing incorrect instructions as to the location of the target, or describing an incorrect reward.
Fixed an issue with the Revered Champion achievement being impossible to complete.
Fixed an issue with the Unequaled Slayer and Mass Extermination achievements having their icons and descriptions flipped. Functionally, both achievements were completable, their descriptions were just wrong.
Fixed an issue with various boss-specific Monster Infrequents dropping significantly below the monster's level.
Fixed an issue where the Family Matters quest reward on Ultimate difficulty would always roll the same seed.
Fixed an issue with the Mad Ramblings quest becoming impossible to complete if the player dropped Ivonda's Memory quest item and restarted the session. This fix may cause players currently on the quest to have to re-acquire the quest from Ivonda in the Steelcap District Resistance Base.
Fixed an issue with Etram Fald not being able to craft certain Legendary Shoulders (was an issue in Ashes of Malmouth only)
Fixed an issue with the Guardian of Dreeg's summons generating no threat
Ulgrim now correctly takes a break from all the fighting after The Living Factory quest and returns to the resistance base.

The disparity between heavy and caster/light armor has gotten a bit too large with the increased level cap, though it won't hurt to bring them closer together at low levels as well. To address this, all light and caster armor pieces have had their armor values significantly increased. If you find a Heavy armor that had its armor increased, or a Light/Caster armor that did not, please report it as a bug.
Dismantling now has a chance to generate Ashes of Malmouth rare crafting materials. The chance increases at level 90+.
Increased the overall drop rate of Ashes of Malmouth rare crafting materials from bosses and heroes.
Increased drop rate of Rare items from Nemesis Troves, slightly increased drop rate of Legendary items.
Increased drop rate of Rare item from Treasure Troves. Treasure Troves now have a chance to generate Ashes of Malmouth rare crafting materials at level 40+. The chance increases at level 90+.
Kaylon (Blacksmith) in the Malmouth Resistance Base can now convert Ancient Hearts and Tainted Brains into Aetherial Mutagen, Aetherial Missives and Wendigo Spirits at a ratio of 6 to 1 and a Polished Emerald.
The final chest in Roguelike Dungeons now always drops at least one Legendary item on Ultimate difficulty. Chance of dropping Legendary items slightly increased on Normal/Elite. The chest now always attempts to drop a blueprint on all difficulties.
Increased chance of dropping Legendary items from the gauntlet events in Roguelike Dungeons (Ex. the "Death Room"), particularly on Elite/Ultimate difficulty.
Common versions of Monster Infrequents have been removed from the loot pool. As some of these items had unique appearances, a special vendor has been added to Fort Ikon that sells various common Monster Infrequents without affixes for collectors and the Illusionist.
Increased base Pierce Ratio on Common quality Swords at levels 84+. Base damage adjusted accordingly.
Fixed an issue where certain affixes could not appear on items at high levels. This impacted caster weapons in particular, which had a significantly reduced affix pool at levels 70+.
Fixed an issue where in rare cases Rare armor would roll a lower level base item than intended at level 70+
Fixed an issue where accessories could drop without affixes at level 70+
Fixed an issue where Monster Infrequents could drop without affixes at level 70+
Fixed an issue in loot tables that caused certain affixes to appear significantly more often than intended at levels 70+, ex. Mending/Thorns/Tough (was an issue in Ashes of Malmouth only)
Fixed an issue with several Rare Prefixes having lower than intended flat damage for two-handed weapons at levels 82+
Fixed an issue where several two-handed weapon suffixes were generating the one-handed versions at level 75+
Rare - Voracity: replaced bonus to Drain Essence with bonus to Reaping Strike
Faction: fixed the Blueprint for Wrathguard crafting the wrong item
Faction: Stormbringer of Malmouth: reduced % Lightning damage for pets to 220%
Monster Infrequent - Ascendant Conduit: reduced cooldown reduction modifier for Vindictive Flame to 0.3s, added 40 Fire damage modifier to Vindictive Flame
Monster Infrequent - Bloodsworn Repeater: reduced Cooldown Reduction modifier for Doom Bolt to -0.8s
Monster Infrequent - Dermapteran Slicer: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Amarasta's Quick Cut to 15%
Monster Infrequent - Groble Sky Effigy: reduced Cooldown Reduction modifier for Storm Totem to -1.5s
Monster Infrequent - Reaper's Leggings: updated skill bonuses
Monster Infrequent - Reaper's Legguards: replaced bonus to Devouring Blades with +3 to Blade Spirit
Monster Infrequent - Salazar's Sovereign Blade: revised this weapon. It is now a caster dagger rather than a sword. Base damage/attribute requirements updated. Increased the move speed of the summoned pet.
Crafting: replaced % damage crafting bonuses from the Devil's Crossing blacksmiths with % Physique. Existing items with the old crafting bonuses are unchanged.
Relics: % damage Crafting bonuses have been removed from the Crafting Bonus table for all Relics that could generate them. Instead, these relics can now generate % Defensive Ability or % Crit damage. All existing Relics that had the removed bonuses have instead received a 10%/18%/30% All damage crafting bonus (respective to relic tier).
Relic - Bane: reduced cooldown on skill proc to 1.3s
Relic - Dirge of Arkovia: fixed missing stances for summoned pet, improved aggression and attack rate
Relic - Doom: granted skill now instead applies a debuff to enemies, dealing Physical/Pierce damage over time and reducing Offensive and Defensive Ability
Relic - Eldritch Pact: granted skill is now a proc, activated with a 15% chance on attack, values adjusted accordingly
Relic - Equilibrium: added 5% Move Speed
Relic - Haunt: reduced % Life Leech Resist Reduction to -20%
Relic - Massacre: granted skill is now a proc, unleashing a bloody spine that pierces through enemies on a low cooldown
Relic - Nidalla's Outbreak: reduced cooldown and increased damage on granted skill
Blueprints: fixed an issue with Trollheart Waistguard, Puppetmaster Links and Stoneplate Waistguard sometimes rolling a single rare Affix instead of always rolling 2 Affixes.
Blueprint - Adept's Dagger: reduced All Resist Reduction to 10
Blueprint - Adept's Spellblade: reduced All Resist Reduction to 12
Blueprint - Master's Spellblade: reduced All Resist Reduction to 15
Blueprint - Mythical Cowl of the Blind Assassin: fixed this item requiring the wrong type of Monster Infrequent (should be Murderer's Cowl).
Blueprint - Mythical Dawnguard Helm: fixed this item being uncraftable with a level 94 version of the Ascended Casque.
Blueprint - Mythical Mask of Infernal Truth: fixed this item being uncraftable with high level versions of the Incendiary Casque.
Blueprint - Mythical Sharpshooter's Glass Eye: fixed this item being uncraftable with a level 94 version of the Incendiary Casque.
Blueprint - Voice of Dreeg: fixed this item being uncraftable with a level 94 version of the Leafmane Horn.

Legendary Items
Legendary - Aegis of the Legion Set: increased damage on granted skill, added 10% Total Speed bonus
Legendary - Aegis Defender: replaced flat Fire damage with +1 to All Skills, increased bonuses on granted skill
Legendary - Aegis Revolver: fixed improper projectile on skill proc
Legendary - Allagast's Stormbinder: replaced -60 Defensive Ability modifier to Storm Box of Elgoloth with -10% Aether/Lightning Resist Reduction modifier, added a 100% of Cold dealt as Aether modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard
Legendary - Belgothian's Slicer: reduced % Weapon damage modifier for Belgothian's Shears to 28%
Legendary - Belgothian's Slaughter Set: reduced damage on granted skill
Legendary - Bladetwister Signet: fixed Conversion applying only to Lightning damage
Legendary - Cindertouch: increased Offensive Ability to 124
Legendary - Conduit of ___ Whispers: updated many skill modifiers granted by this series of Necklaces to be more powerful
Legendary - Cord of Violent Decay: added % Cold/Frostburn damage bonuses
Legendary - Dagallon's Destroyer: removed erroneus 0-72 Physical damage
Legendary - Dark One's Gift Set: made the following adjustments to the skill proc. Removed erroneous Physical/Aether bonuses and Conversion of Aether to Physical, reduced % Heal to 7%
Legendary - Darkblaze Set: redesigned bonuses and items in this set
Legendary - Darkblaze Source: now grants a skill, Unleash Chaos, which creates a large explosion of fire and chaos around the caster and knocks down enemies.
Legendary - Deathdealer's Sidearm: increased % Attack Speed to 13%
Legendary - Deahguard Set: reduced Acid damage modifier for Soul Scythe to 120
Legendary - Deahguard Blade: reduced modifier for Soul Scythe to 10%
Legendary - Deathguard Hood: added missing 25% Cold converted to Acid bonus
Legendary - Deathlord's Band: replaced bonus to Harbinger of Death with +2 to Blood Boil
Legendary - Diviner's Vision Set: redesigned bonuses and items in this set
Legendary - Dread Knight's Guard: bonuses redesigned with a focus on Physical/Vitality damage rather than pets
Legendary - Dread Knight's Legplates: bonuses redesigned with a focus on Physical/Vitality damage rather than pets
Legendary - Dreadweaver: added 12% Attack Speed, increased % Cast Speed to 12%
Legendary - Edge of Death: increased % Attack speed to 14%
Legendary - Edge of Sanity: added missing 15% of Physical converted to Aether
Legendary - Evoker of Elgoloth: added 14% Attack Speed, reduced % Offensive Ability to 3%
Legendary - Farath's Cube: added 100% of Aether dealt as Cold modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile
Legendary - Gildor's Pulverizer: added 150 Pierce damage modifier to Grenado
Legendary - Girdle of Stolen Dreams: replaced Energy Burn with 4% Cast Speed
Legendary - Guardian of Death's Gates: increased % All damage to 184%
Legendary - Gutsmasher: replaced Bleed damage with additional Physical damage on the skill proc. The bleed damage was causing a crash.
Legendary - Jaxxon's Lucky Bullet: fixed the chance of a chance on the granted WPS skill, which caused it to trigger off of itself, reduced % Weapon Damage on the WPS to 28%
Legendary - Korba's Fury Set: increased Cold damage bonus to 16-33
Legendary - Korba's Hood: increased Lightning converted to Cold modifier for Savagery to 100% and increased the Cold damage modifier to 35
Legendary - Krieg's Armament Set: Added +1 to All Necromancer Skills, reduced flat Aether damage bonus to 32-45, added All Resist Reduction to the granted skill
Legendary - Krieg's Boots: added +2 to Mark of Torment and 7% Move Speed
Legendary - Krieg's Chestguard: added +2 to Spectral Wrath
Legendary - Krieg's Grip: added +2 to Spectral Binding
Legendary - Krieg's Shoulderguards: added +2 to Spectral Binding
Legendary - Lifeblaze Mantle: replaced % Fire damage with % Elemental/Frostburn/Electrocute damage. This was already the case on the Mythical version.
Legendary - Light's Defender Epaulets: reduced % Armor to 4%
Legendary - Light's Defender Gauntlets: reduced % Armor to 4%
Legendary - Mageslayer's Hood: added 10% Crit damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar
Legendary - Morguul's Mortality: added missing cooldown to skill proc
Legendary - Mythical Aetherreach: added 10% on Attack of Aether Cascade proc, removed Aether damage modifiers to Aether Ray and Reap Spirit
Legendary - Mythical Arcanor, Blade of the Luminari: replaced -100% Energy Cost to Inquisitor Seal with -10% Elemental Resistance to enemies. Added 70 Elemental damage to Forcewave modifier.
Legendary - Mythical Beastcaller's Talisman: added 34 Physical damage modifier for Summon Hellhound and Summon Briarthorn
Legendary - Mythical Bonescavenger Gloves: increased Offensive Ability to 128
Legendary - Mythical Cord of Violent Decay: added % Cold/Frostburn damage bonuses
Legendary - Mythical Covenant of the Three: reduced Cooldown Reduction modifier for Doom Bolt to -1s
Legendary - Mythical Deathbound Amethyst: replaced Frostburn modifier to Drain Essence with 60 Cold damage modifier
Legendary - Mythical Deathdealer's Sidearm: increased % Attack Speed to 14%, increased % Vitality converted to Physical modifier for Reaping Strike to 100%
Legendary - Mythical Deathlord's Band: replaced bonus to Harbinger of Death with +2 to Blood Boil
Legendary - Mythical Dread Knight's Guard: bonuses redesigned with a focus on Physical/Vitality damage rather than pets
Legendary - Mythical Dread Knight's Legplates: bonuses redesigned with a focus on Physical/Vitality damage rather than pets
Legendary - Mythical Dreadweaver: added 14% Attack Speed, increased % Cast Speed to 14%, added 20 Reduced Resistances modifier to War Cry
Legendary - Mythical Edge of Death: increased % Attack speed to 15%, added 3% Attack Damage Converted to Health
Legendary - Mythical Evoker of Elgoloth: replaced bonus to Primal Strike with +3 to Savagery, added 16% Attack Speed, reduced % Offensive Ability to 4%
Legendary - Mythical Gauntlets of Ignaffar: replaced Burn damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar with 55 Fire damage modifier
Legendary - Mythical Glyph of Kelphat'Zoth: reduced % Lightning damage bonus to pets from skill proc to 80%
Legendary - Mythical Guardian of Death's Gates: increased % All damage to 315%, increased % Offensive Ability modifier for Call of the Grave to 10%
Legendary - Mythical Hagarradian Enforcer: corrected the skill proc having the same values as the lower level version of this item
Legendary - Mythical Harbinger's Grasp: fixed an issue with the % Weapon damage modifier for Doom Bolt not applying
Legendary - Mythical Heart of the Mountain: fixed an issue with the summoned pet having lower Physical damage than intended
Legendary - Mythical Herald of the Apocalypse: fixed -1 Radius modifier for Devastation not showing up on the item tooltip
Legendary - Mythical Light's Defender Epaulets: reduced % Armor to 4%
Legendary - Mythical Light's Defender Gauntlets: reduced % Armor to 4%
Legendary - Mythical Light's Defender Helm: reduced Lightning damage bonus to Storm Totem to 25
Legendary - Mythical Mark of the Dreadblade: replaced % Attack Speed with % Total Speed
Legendary - Mythical Mark of the Forbidden: added 15% chance to cast Toxic Gas Cloud, reduced modifiers to Bloody Pox and Wendigo Totem to compensate
Legendary - Mythical Mask of the Harbinger: fixed an issue with the % Weapon damage modifier for Doom Bolt not applying
Legendary - Mythical Maw of Despair: fixed modifier for Callidor's Tempest to correctly grant a 33% chance of Reducing Enemy Damage by 15% for 3s
Legendary - Mythical Peerless Eye of Beronath: reduced Offensive Ability Reduction on granted skill to -80
Legendary - Mythical Riftwarped Grasp: replaced % Poison Resist with % Aether Resist
Legendary - Mythical Soulbearer: added 100% on Kill of Trap Soul proc
Legendary - Mythical Starfury Emerald: fixed the -0.5s Cooldown modifier for Rune of Hagarrad not applying its benefit
Legendary - Mythical Stormseer Sapphire: added 5% Cast Speed and a 55 Electrocute / 3s modifier to Storm Spread
Legendary - Mythical Tainted Rube of Gar'dal: updated values on granted skill
Legendary - Mythical Trozan's Hat: fixed the -1s Cooldown modifier for Wind Devil not applying its benefit
Legendary - Mythical Vigar's Hunger: added 30 Vitality damage modifier to Drain Essence
Legendary - Mythical Viperfang Grips: increased chance of Poison damage to 108 / 5s and increased % Attack Speed to 8% on the Blood of Dreeg modifier
Legendary - Nature's Call Regalia: fixed an issue where the increased pet summon limit would break for clients in Multiplayer
Legendary - Peerless Eye of Beronath: reduced Offensive Ability Reduction on granted skill to -70
Legendary - Rage of Agrivix Set: Arcane Wisps now attack more frequently and apply an All Resistance Reduction debuff, replaced their Elemental damage with Fire damage
Legendary - Mythical Arcane Shard of Agrivix: added 10% Armor modifier for Vindictive Flame
Legendary - Mythical Codex of Agrivix: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to 18%, added a -10% Aether Resist Reduction modifier to Siphon Souls
Legendary - Mythical Mantle of Agrivix: added 410 Health
Legendary - Ravager's Bite: added missing cooldown to skill proc
Legendary - Reign of Ice and Fire: added missing cooldown to skill proc
Legendary - Riftwarped Grasp: replaced % Poison Resist with % Aether Resist
Legendary - Shepherd of Lost Souls Set: increased % Offensive Ability bonus for pets to 10%, fixed an issue where the increased pet summon limit would break for clients in Multiplayer
Legendary - Mask of Lost Souls: added -1s cooldown modifier for Raise Skeletons
Legendary - Shard of Lost Souls: replaced +2 to Fire Claw with +2 to Hellfire, added 15% Attack Speed modifier for Summon Hellhound
Legendary - Spellscourge Bulwark: added 70 Physical damage modifier to Devastation
Legendary - Spellscourge Visor: added -3s cooldown modifier for Devastation
Legendary - Tainted Ruby of Gar'dal: updated values on granted skill
Legendary - The Cataclysm Set: increased damage on skill proc, increased % All damage to 70%
Legendary - Cataclysm's Catalyst: increased % Poison Resist to 44% 
Legendary - Cataclysm's Pact: added 62 Offensive Ability
Legendary - Valguur's Hunger: reduced % Life Leech Resist Reduction modifier for Siphon Souls to -8%
Legendary - Valguur's Touch: increased Offensive Ability to 98
Legendary - Voice of Dreeg: replaced % Poison Resist with 20% Pierce Resist
Legendary - Wrath of Agrivix Set: Arcane Wisps now attack more frequently and apply an All Resistance Reduction debuff, replaced their Elemental damage with Fire damage
Legendary - Mantle of Agrivix: added 240 Health
Corrected a few weapons that had partial base dot damage that was incorrectly calculated for their level:
Legendary - Mythical Beacon of Winter's Veil: reduced base Frostburn damage, increased base Physical damage
Legendary - Mythical Bloodsong: reduced base Bleed damage, increased base Physical damage
Legendary - Mythical Butcher of Burrwitch: reduced base Bleed damage, increased base Physical damage
Legendary - Mythical Guillotine: reduced base Bleed damage, increased base Physical damage
Legendary - Mythical Hellborne: reduced base Burn damage, increased base Fire damage
Legendary - Mythical Herald of Blazing Ends: reduced base Burn damage, increased base Physical damage
Legendary - Mythical Infernal Brimstone: reduced base Burn damage, increased base Fire damage
Legendary - Mythical Plaguebearer of Dreeg: reduced base Poison damage, increased base Physical damage
Legendary - Mythical Stormreaver: reduced base Electrocute damage, increased base Lightning damage, reduced Cooldown Reduction modifier for Storm Totem to -2s

Epic Items
Added a Mythical version of The Eastern Pledge set
Added a Mythical version of the Plagueblood Carver
Added a Mythical version of The Paragon of Arcanum set
Epic - Empowered Solemn Mark: corrected an erroneous flat Vitality bonus. It was intended to be % Vitality/Vitality Decay.
Epic - Empowered Witchstalker: replaced Energy Burn with -4% Cooldown Reduction
Epic - Magelord's Band: reduced flat Aether damage, replaced bonus to Callidor's Tempest with +2 to Inner Focus
Epic - Magelord's Signet: reduced flat Aether damage and reduced Offensive Ability to 60, replaced bonus to Cadence with +2 to Fighting Form
Epic - Mantle of the Patron: removed % Crit damage bonus for pets
Epic - Mythical Dawnguard: corrected unintentionally low armor value
Epic - Mythical Mantle of the Patron: removed % Crit damage bonus for pets
Epic - Witchstalker: replaced Energy Burn with -4% Cooldown Reduction

Components: reduced crafting cost of all Ashes of Malmouth Components
Component - Ancient Armor Plate: added 8% Armor Absorption
Component - Dread Skull: increased % Move Speed to 5%
Component - Living Armor: replaced Spirit bonus with 12% Armor Absorption
Component - Mark of Mogdrogen: increased % Move Speed to 6%
Component - Mark of the Traveler: increased % Move Speed to 8%
Component - Sacred Plating: replaced Cunning bonus with 12% Armor Absorption
Component - Seal of Blades: increased Damage and % Armor on the granted skill 
Component - Seal of Blight: increased Damage and Energy Cost on the granted skill and added a % Crit damage bonus to it
Component - Seal of Corruption: increased Damage on the granted skill and added -8% Aether/Lightning Resist Reduction to it
Component - Seal of Destruction: increased Damage and Energy Cost on the granted skill and added % Crit damage and Electrocute damage bonuses to it
Component - Seal of Might: removed erroneous Aether bonuses for pets on the granted skill
Component - Seal of Night: increased Damage and Energy Cost on the granted skill and added a % Crit damage bonus to it
Component - Seal of Shadows: reduced cooldown on granted skill, values adjusted accordingly, added a % Crit damage bonus to it
Component - Seal of Skies: increased Damage on the granted skill and added a % Crit damage bonus to it
Component - Seal of Void: granted skill has been redesigned into a WPS skill, values updated accordingly
Component - Wardstone: added 3% Move Speed

[Class & Skills]
All pet bonus-scaling pets now have an inherent 33% resistance to Leech effects.

Fixed an issue where on Attack/Crit Celestial Powers could be assigned to certain Buff skills. This was unintended behavior as buffs are meant to be bound exclusively to on Hit/Block/Low Health Powers. This may have caused your assigned Celestial Powers to reset.
Increased flat Attribute bonuses in all Constellations. Some new Attribute bonuses have been added to stars that previously had none, or added to stars that previously only had a bonus to one attribute.
Affliction: added 50% Vitality Decay damage and 30% Vitality Decay Duration
Blades of Nadaan: added 10 Pierce damage
Bull: added 3% Move Speed
Crane: added 15% Reflect Resist for the player, added 12% Poison Resist and 12% Vitality Resist for pets
Eel: increased % Move Speed to 6%
Harvestman's Scythe: increased % Move Speed bonus to 6%
Jackal: replaced % Attack and Cast Speed with 6% Total Speed
Lion: added 3% Move Speed
Lizard: added 3% Move Speed
Scales of Ulcama: added 4% Move Speed
Solael's Witchblade: replaced Energy Burn with 30% Fire damage
Stag: added 5% Move Speed
Arcane Currents: increased damage scaling with rank and added a % Crit damage bonus
Blades of Wrath: increased Pierce damage scaling with rank
Blind Fury: added Pierce damage
Elemental Seeker: replaced Energy Burn on the Detonate with a % Crit damage bonus
Fist of Vire: fixed missing Physical damage reduction debuff
Living Shadow: increased Pierce damage
Raise the Dead: summoned skeletons now appear closer to the target enemy and crawl out of the ground much faster. Increased their damage scaling with rank.
Spear of the Heavens (Celestial Power): added Electrocute damage / 2s
Tip the Scales: fixed damage not scaling at ranks 16-20. Increased damage scaling with rank.

Counter Strike: fixed an issue with the % Weapon damage part of this skill not dealing its damage
Zolhan's Technique: When dual wielding guns, now always fires with both guns

Blast Shield: reduced Damage Absorption scaling at ranks 7+ to 750 by rank 12, 1550 by max ultimate rank
Mortar Trap: adjusted Energy Cost to match other similar skills
Ulzuin's Chosen: replaced % All damage bonus with a % Damage Modifier. This is a net gain when stacking high amounts of % damage bonuses on gear/buffs as the result is multiplicative.

Doom Bolt: reduced Energy Cost

Phantasmal Blades: increased % Weapon damage scaling at ultimate ranks to 85% by max ultimate rank, 6 projectiles now start at rank 24, reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank
Heart Seeker: reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank
Nether Edge: reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank, increased % Crit damage scaling with rank to 40% by rank 12, 55% by max ultimate rank
Frenetic Throw: reduced % Damage Penalty to -60% and increased Pierce converted to Vitality to 100%. Reduced Energy Cost Reduction to 50% (on account of of the overall skill's Energy Cost being reduced, still a net buff for Frenetic Throw's cost).

Aether Ray: reduced Energy Cost scaling with ranks 12+, increased Fire damage scaling with rank
Disintegration: replaced Vitality damage with Lightning damage, increased damage scaling with rank, added Electrocute damage / 2s
Tainted Power: added 100% of Lightning converted to Vitality
Reckless Power: added % Attack Speed bonus

Blood Pact: increased % Vitality/Bleed/Vitality Decay damage to 104% by rank 12, 204% by max ultimate rank. Added Vitality Decay Duration bonus, equival


2017-11-17恐怖黎明 v1.0.3.0升级档+免DVD补丁CODEX版    【1.49GB】 v1.0.3.0