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暂时游戏翻译就这样了.......马上开始翻译九骑士相关的书籍- -

有好多好多啊- -好像还是一个系列......压力好大.........

The Adabal-aThe memoirs of Morihaus, consort to Alessia

Editor"sNote: The Adabal-a is traditionally believed to be thememoirs ofMorihaus, consort to Alessia the Slave Queen. While thiscannot behistorically verified, the Adabal-a is certainly among theoldestwritten accounts to come down to us from the early First Era.

Pelinal"sDeathAnd in the blood-floored throne room of White-Gold, theseveredhead of Pelinal spoke to the winged-bull, Morihaus, demigodlover ofAl-Esh, saying, "Our enemies have undone me, and spread mybody intohiding. In mockery of divine purpose, the Ayleids cut me intoeighths,for they are obsessed with this number."

And Morihaus, confused,snorted through his ring, saying, "Yourcrusades went beyond hercounsel, Whitestrake, but I am a bull, andtherefore reckless in my wit.I think I would go and gore our prisonersif you had left any alive. Youare blood-made-glorious, uncle, and willcome again, as fox animal orlight. Cyrod is still ours."

Then Pelinal spoke again for the lasttime: "Beware, Morihaus, beware!With the foresight of death I know nowthat my foe yet lives, bitterknowledge to take to my grave. Better thatI had died believing myselfthe victor. Although cast beyond the doorsof night, he will return. Bevigilant! I can no longer shield the hostof Men from Umaril"sretribution."

Alessia"s Youth During theSlave-YearsPerrif"s original tribe isunknown, but she grew up in Sard,anon Sardarvar Leed, where theAyleids herded in men from across all theNiben: kothri, nede,al-gemha, men-of-"kreath (though these were laterknown to be importedfrom the North), keptu, men-of-ge (who wereeventually destroyed whenthe Flower King Nilichi made great sacrificeto an insect god named[lost]), al-hared, men-of-ket, others; but thiswas Cyrod, the heart ofthe imperatum saliache, where men knew nofreedom, even to keep family,or choice of name except in secret, and soto their alien masters allof these designations were irrelevant.

Menwere given over to the lifting of stones, and the draining ofthefields, and the upkeep of temple and road; or to becomeart-torturesfor strange pleasures, as in the wailing wheels of Vindaseland thegut-gardens of Sercen; and flesh-sculpture, which was everywhereamongthe slaves of the Ayleids in those days; or, worse, the realms oftheFire King Hadhuul, where the begetting of drugs drawn fromtheadmixture of daedrons into living hosts let one inhale new visionsoftorment, and children were set aflame for nighttime tiger sport.

MorihausExplains Alessia"s NamesThen Morihaus said to them: "In yourtales youhave many names for her: Al-Esh, given to her in awe, thatwhentranslated sounds like a redundancy, "the high high", from whichcomethe more familiar corruptions: Aleshut, Esha, Alessia. You knewher asParavant, given to her when crowned, "first of its kind", bywhich thegods meant a mortal worthy of the majesty thatiskilling-questing-healing, which is also Paraval, Pevesh,Perrethu,Perrif, and, in my case, for it is what I called her when wewerelovers: Paravania."

"Though she is gone to me, she remains bathed in stars, first Empress, Lady of Heaven, Queen-ut-Cyrod."

And they considered themselves full-answered, and departed.

The Adabal-a







Niben人是由kothri, nede, al-gemha,men-of-"kreath(虽然他们被认为是后来从北方迁居而来的),eptu, men-of-ge(最终因鲜花国国王Nilichi将他们献祭于一个名叫Lost的昆虫神而毁灭), al-hared,men-of-ket以及其他部落组成的.没有人知道Perrif最初属于哪个部落,不过她是在上古精灵们看管所有Niben人的Sard---不久改名为Sardarvar Leed的地方长大的.然而,这里是Cyrod,imperatumsaliache的中心,人类没有自由,甚至连成家,取名字(除了私下的),以及类似根本和他们的主人不相干事情,都没有自主权.

人类被拉去抗石块,灌溉田野,维护道路和寺庙;或者成为"折磨艺术"的牺牲品来满足某些精灵怪异的嗜好,例如Vindasel的哀嚎之轮,Sercen的内脏花园,以及那个时代上古精灵的奴隶们中随处可见的活体雕塑.更可怕的是,在火焰国王Hadhuul的领地,那个从Daerons混合物中提取的毒品注入活体宿主的地方. 让人们吸入这种毒品使其产生新的痛苦幻觉,并且把小孩置入火焰中来吸引老虎捕猎.


Morihaus对他们说."在你们的传说中,她有很多的名字:Al-Esh,出于敬畏,这解释听起来有点多余."the highhigh"则来自于更为通俗的Aleshut,Esha,Alessia. Paravant是她被加冕时用的."first of itskind"神灵们解释为凡人们享有的最高王权:杀戮-寻求-恢复,类似的还有Paraval, Pevesh, Perrethu,Perrif.而对于我来说,在我们是爱人的时候,我称她为Paravania."



Shezarr and the Divines

by Faustillus Junius

The relationship between the god Shezarr and the other Cyrodilic deities


Faustillus Junius is Subcurator of Ancient Theology and Paleonumerology, Imperial Library

The position Shezarr enjoys in Cyrodilic worship if often misconstrued.He, and a thousand other deities, have sizeable cults in the ImperialCity. Shezarr is especially venerated in the Colovian West, though heis called Shor there, as the West Kings are resolutely, andreligiously, Nordic.

The haziness of Shezarr"s relationship to the Divines (he is oftencalled their "Missing Sibling") begins with St. Alessia, the so-called"Slave Queen of Cyrodiil, the founder figure of the original CyrodilicEmpire. In the earliest Cyro-Nordic stories of the Heartland, Shezarrfought against the Ayleids (the "Heartland Highelves") on mankind"sbehalf. Then, for some unknown reason, he vanishes from the stage(presumably to help other humans elsewhere), and, without hisleadership, the Ayleids conquer the humans and enslave them.

This slavery lasts for generations. The isolated humans eventuallybegin to venerate the pantheon of their masters, or at least assimilateso much of High Elven religious practices into their native traditionsthat the two become indistinguishable.

In 1E242, under the leadership of Alessia, her demigod lover,Morihaus-Breath-of-Kyne, and the infamous Pelinal Whitestrake, theCyrodilic humans revolt. When Skyrim lends its armies to theSlave-Queen of the South, the revolution succeeds. The AyleidHegemonies are quickly overthrown. Shortly thereafter, White Gold Toweris captured by Alessia"s forces, and she promptly declares herself thefirst Empress of Cyrodiil. Part of the package meant that she had tobecome the High Priestess of Akatosh, as well.

Akatosh was an Aldmeri god, and Alessia"s subjects were as-yetunwilling to renounce their worship of the Elven pantheon. She foundherself in a very sensitive political situation. She needed to keep theNords as her allies, but they were (at that time) fiercely opposed toany adoration of Elven deities. On the other hand, she could not forceher subjects to revert back to the Nordic pantheon, for fear of anotherrevolution. Therefore, concessions were made and Empress Alessiainstituted a new religion: the Eight Divines, an elegant,well-researched synthesis of both pantheons, Nordic and Aldmeri.

Shezarr, as a result, had to change. He could no longer be thebloodthirsty anti-Aldmer warlord of old. He could not disappearaltogether either, or the Nords would have withdrawn their support ofher rule. In the end, he had become "the spirit behind all humanundertaking." Even though this was merely a thinly-disguised,watered-down version of Shor, it was good enough for the Nords.

As for why Tiber Septim has not attempted to "revitalize" Shezarrduring his wars against the Aldmeri Dominion, we can only speculatethat, at this time, memories of the Alessian Order’s follies (theDragon Break, the War of Righteousness, the defeat at Gelnumbria Moors)would only damage his campaign for the Imperial Crown.

On Oblivion

by Morian Zenas

A guide to Oblivion and the Daedra.


Note: The author continued to research Oblivion after writing thisbook, as documented in a book written by his apprentice, The Doors ofOblivion.


It is improper, however customary, to refer to the denizens of thedimension of Oblivion as “demons.” This practice probably dates to theAlessian Doctrines of the First Era prophet Marukh -- which, ratheramusingly, forbade “trafficke with daimons” and then neglected toexplain what daimons were.

It is most probable that “daimon” is a misspelling or etymologicalrendition of “Daedra,” the old Elven word for those strange, powerfulcreatures of uncertain motivation who hail from the dimension ofOblivion. (“Daedra” is actually the plural form; the singular is“Daedroth.”) In a later tract by King Hale the Pious of Skyrim, almosta thousand years after the publication of the original Doctrines, theevil machinations of his political enemies are compared to “thewickedness of the demons of Oblivion... their depravity equals that ofSanguine itself, they are cruel as Boethiah, calculating as Molag Bal,and mad as Sheogorath.” Hale the Pious thus long-windedly introducedfour of the Daedra lords to written record.

But the written record is not, after all, the best way to researchOblivion and the Daedra who inhabit it. Those who “trafficke withdaimons” seldom wish it to be a matter of public account. Nevertheless,scattered throughout the literature of the First Era are diaries,journals, notices for witch burnings, and guides for Daedra-slayers.These I have used as my primary source material. They are at least astrustworthy as the Daedra lords I have actually summoned and spokenwith at length.

Apparently, Oblivion is a place composed of many lands -- thus the manynames for which Oblivion is synonymous: Coldharbour, Quagmire,Moonshadow, etc. It may be correctly supposed that each land ofOblivion is ruled over by one prince. The Daedra princes whose namesappear over and over in ancient records (though this is not aninfallible test of their authenticity or explicit existence, to besure) are the afore-mentioned Sanguine, Boethiah, Molag Bal, andSheogorath, and in addition, Azura, Mephala, Clavicus Vile, Vaernima,Malacath, Hoermius (or Hermaeus or Hormaius or Herma -- there seems tobe no one accepted spelling) Mora, Namira, Jyggalag, Nocturnal,Mehrunes Dagon, and Peryite.

From my experience, Daedra are a very mixed lot. It is almostimpossible to categorize them as a whole except for their immense powerand penchant for extremism. Be that as it may, I have here attempted todo so in a few cases, purely for the sake of scholastic expediency.

Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, Peryite, Boethiah, and Vaernima are amongthe most consistently “demonic” of the Daedra, in the sense that theirspheres seem to be destructive in nature. The other Daedra can, ofcourse, be equally dangerous, but seldom purely for the sake ofdestruction as these five can. Nor are these previous five identical intheir destructiveness. Mehrunes Dagon seems to prefer natural disasters-- earthquakes and volcanoes -- for venting his anger. Molag Bal electsthe employment of other daedra, and Boethiah inspires the arms ofmortal warriors. Peryite"s sphere seems to be pestilence, andVaernima"s torture.

In preparation for the next instalment in this series, I will beinvestigating two matters that have intrigued me since I began mycareer as a Daedra researcher. The first is on one particular Daedroth,perhaps yet another Daedra prince, referred to in multiple articles ofincunabula as Hircine. Hircine has been called “the Huntsman of thePrinces” and “the Father of Man-beasts,” but I have yet to find anyonewho can summon him. The other, and perhaps more doubtful, goal I haveis to find a practical means for mortal men to pass through toOblivion. It has always been my philosophy that we need only fear thatwhich we do not understand -- and with that thought in mind, I everpursue my objective.