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Slide 14: Rose of Sharon Cassidy II


Slide 14: Rose of Sharon Cassidy II


Narrated by Rose of Sharon Cassidy 


Cass survived to see the NCR flag flying proud over Hoover Dam, and thought for a moment... this is what a hero must feel like. She was about to tell the Courier not to get too proud of himself/herself, then she figured he/she knew that already.


Side with the NCR at the end. 


That night, Cass kicked in the door of his room to celebrate, only to find the man on the bed was an NCR soldier whose barracks had been destroyed. He was cute, though, so after having her way with him, she got the hell out, leaving an empty whiskey bottle as a note. As she walked along the Dam in the night, she felt drunk, content, and happy to be alive. Which to her, was the whole point of it all.


Side with the NCR at the end, complete Heartache by the Number, and play as a male courier.

条件:NCR胜利结局,完成Heartache by the Number,油菜为男性。

So she laughed, said fuck it all, and raised a bottle to the Dam and the ones who had fought for it. As far as she was concerned, the whole thing was proof that playing out a bad hand can pay off in the end... as long as someone/a woman like the Courier was holding the cards.


Complete Eureka! endgame quest for the NCR, do not complete Heartache by the Number OR play as a female courier.

 条件:完成最终任务Eureka!,不完成Heartache by the Number或者油菜为女性。

Cass lived to see Hoover Dam in its Old World glory, humming with power the likes of which the Mojave had never seen. Vegas burned brighter than ever, Securitrons filled the streets, and Cass"s heart skipped... just a little. Her last words were to the Dam - and to herself. "We were going full speed ahead... but facing backwards the whole time."


Complete All or Nothing endgame quest for Mr. House. 

条件:完成最终任务All or Nothing

Cass lived to see the Courier bring down three armies and by her count, that was three more than she"d expected. She"d kept quiet about that, though.


Complete No Gods, No Masters endgame quest for an Independent New Vegas. 

条件:完成最终任务No Gods, No Masters

Cass lived to see the mark of the Legion on Hoover Dam. Uncertain of what lay next for the West, she remained silent. As the Legion marched West, she found it difficult to see the Dam as anything more than a gravestone for the Mojave - and everyone in it.


Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici endgame quest for Caesar"s Legion. 

条件:完成最终任务Veni, Vidi, Vice